Available worldwide

Added value - All checklists and forms can be electronically standardized, managed and provided worldwide ...

Software on demand or on premise

Availability - As web solution Checkware supports all stationary and mobile devices and is available on demand or on premise ...

Checkware App for mobile devices

Checkware App - Checkware can be used offline as well as an app on your tablet or smartphone (Android, Apple iOS and Windows Phone) ...

ISO/IEC 27001 Certification

Certification - New Solutions is certified according to the international recognized norm of Information security ISO/IEC 27001:2013.


Checkware designer

Checklist designer - Design and customize forms and checklists yourself ...

Checklists for hazardous goods

Use our predefined checklists for the hazardous goods controls for streets, rails, barges, airway and seaway which are prescribed by law.

Customer review for Checkware software

In practice - "It was important to us that all employees, even less tech-savvy ones, can operate this program ... "

Filling checklists on the way and immediately evaluate them

Everywhere- Checkware is optimized for mobile devices such as smartphones, tablets or iPads: users can fill their checklists on the way and sign them electronically. The information will be available for the headquarter immediately. The employees responsible can see all sections of the checklist and use them for evaluations and reports.

Intuitive handling

Input - Checkware is optimized for mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. The user guidance enables an intuitive handling with the system.

Task management

Task management - Checklists can be initiated and assigned to individual employees through the task management addition.

Multilevel checklists

Release - Checkware is able to implement multilevel checklists like release forms.


Electronic checklists: fill it on the way on your tablet and evaluate centrally

Outdated checklists, filled illegible?

Hard copy- Despite this high relevance a lot of checklists are still written on paper. This includes a risk that old versions are used, forms are only partly or hardly legible completed and the results can't be stored secure from revision. There are several advantages of digital checklists over the ones on paper ...

Awarded at the innovation prize-IT 2015

Awarded - Checkware Digital Checklist Manager is one of the 25 best candidates for the innovation prize IT 2015 in the category "On demand". The program to fill and manage digital checklists is based on the latest technologies and is completely platform-independent.